Time & Stress Management
Event Details
Time & Stress, became an epidemic dilemma of today’s workforce globally, with the increasing workplace demands, limitation of recourses, meeting higher expectations, meeting deadlines, managing personal home demands,
Event Details
Time & Stress, became an epidemic dilemma of today’s workforce globally, with the increasing workplace demands, limitation of recourses, meeting higher expectations, meeting deadlines, managing personal home demands, and the embedded emotions of insecurity. Moreover, because reducing stress requires proper time management ~ two factors that are interrelated ~ this online workshop is designed to provide practical solutions and interesting insights!
This unique program has been developed throughout deploying Emotional Intelligence and the incorporation of self-reflection & revealing assessments tools, practical planning tools for better time management, and interactive stress relief and management activities.
Because 20% of our Actions produce 80% of our Results ~ Planning through a to-do-list without mastering the Urgent/Important Matrix, will simply be a plan to fail!
Because We Confuse Movement with Progress ~ SMART Goals Setting is nothing but a must!
Because Life is about how we React to it, and Stress is an Unavoidable part in our lives ~ We need to understand the importance of managing our emotions and the four pillars of Stress Management!
This workshop will help edify participants:
- Understand the relationship between Emotional Intelligence & Stress Management
- Understand the importance of, and the most useful techniques for, setting and achieving goals
- Identify the right things to be doing and develop plans for doing them for better time management
- Better organize themselves and their workspace for peak efficiency
- Understand that stress is an unavoidable part of everybody’s life
- Recognize the symptoms that tell them when they have chronic stress overload
- Change the situations and actions that can be changed
- Deal better with situations and actions that can’t be changed
- Use Conditioning – Body Language that helps Reduce Stress
- Completing Self-Assessments of Holmes-Rahe & Workplace Stress Inventory prior to attending the second session of the online program as a Pre-Assignment
- Share the program outline with participants prior to attending the program
Covered Topics:
- Emotional Intelligence Defined
- Change & How it Affects Us – An Activity with Reflection on Changing our Time Management Approach & How we handle Stress
- Setting Goals – Learn how to set SMART goals to help them manage their time better.
- The Pareto’s Principle Defined – Time Management
- Time Management Tips & Tricks
- Participants will work in small groups to brainstorm ways of managing time.
- Participants will be presented with planning tools
- Participants will apply the Urgent/Important Matrix “Eisenhower Method”
- Organizational Systems (Organizing Files, Desk, Filing, Items, ect..) & Setting Up Routines – for Better Time Management in Brief
- Defining Stress, Eustress and How It Affects Us
- The Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory (Assessment Tool) (Pre-Assignment)
- Stress at Work
- A Stress inventory (Assessment Tool) to help them identify areas of stress at work
- The Plutchik Wheel of Emotions – Managing Emotions
- Building a Solid Foundation – The Four pillars of Stress Management.
- Good Nutrition
- Exercise
- Strong & Supportive Relationships
- Relaxation Techniques
- Mental Strategies
- Triple A Approach: Alter, Avoid, and Accept.
- Conditioning Theory to Help Trigger Positive Emotions
- Final Group Case-Study
Workshop Wrap-Up: Training Evaluation & Open Q&A’
Event Date
15 September, 2023
Ticket Fees - 11% VAT Excluded
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